13η συνάντηση Bitcoin και Blockchain

(ανακοινοποίηση από την ιστοσελίδα του δρώμενου στο meetup)

Λογότυπος Bit & Blockchain groupΤο πρόγραμμα της 13ης συνάντησης, την Πέμπτη 29 Ιουνίου 2017 (Κομοτηνής 2, Θεσσαλονίκη) είναι το ακόλουθο (οι παρουσιάσεις των ομιλιών είναι στα Αγγλικά):

18.30 Blockchain: From disruptive concept to business ready solution
Organizations are re-envisioning legacy mission critical systems to use Blockchain and to be deployed in the cloud. The resulting digital transformation provides the opportunity of the total addressable market for technology vendors is estimated to be between $50b-$100b by 2026. This session reviews real world use cases from multiple verticals – financial services, insurance, public sector, and supply chain. The session reviews existing processes and pain points and opportunities for transformed business processes and business benefits from a blockchain powered transformation.

Join this session to learn about Blockchain: why is it important? What are the potential Business benefits, scenarios, Microsoft Strategy? And how to get started.

15′ Διάλειμμα και Δικτύωση

20.00 Waves Platform

Konstantin Goldstein, Principal Technical Evangelist at Microsoft
Sasha Ivanov, CEO and Founder of the Waves Platform 


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